Lost Hikers on Marion Mt. Trail

June 1, 2023
Marion Mountain Trail, San Jacinto Mountains

Written by: Eric Holden.

We received a call from two hikers that had gotten lost and disoriented in the snow around the junction of the PCT and the Marion Mt. Trail. Before we started heading up to the mountain two cell pings put the subjects on the trail, possibly heading back down.

Once we all arrived at the trailhead it was discovered that the missing hiker’s vehicle was no longer at the trailhead. After speaking with two other people that were hiking partners with the missing subjects, it was found that the subjects were on their way home already. Was a long drive, but glad the subjects are ok and it’s always nice to take a drive up the mountain in the golden hour.

RMRU Members Involved: (Eric Easterday, Matt Frenken, Eirc Holden, Tobias Moyneur, and Jessie Virga)