Support RMRU
Become a Sustaining Member
It is necessary to rely on contributions from friends – just like you – to provide lifesaving equipment. Funds donated are spent so that our expanding Unit can be equipped to master insurmountable odds on a life or death mission. If you will be so thoughtful as to send a contribution today, you can help Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit maintain it’s rescue and safety training efforts.
Make payments with PayPal – it’s fast, free and secure!
Alternately, you can mail a check to:
Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit, 43950 Acacia Avenue, Hemet, CA 92544.
To acknowledge your donation we will send you the RMRU Newsletter for a year. This small but interesting newsletter will keep you up-to-date on what is happening in search and rescue, training, public education and how your contributions are being used by the Unit.
If you would like to be added to our newsletter mailing list and be credited in the newsletter for your generous donation, please also send a quick note with your name and address to
The Unit believes that two things can provide the income needed to keep search and rescue operations on an ongoing basis. First, to interest more people in becoming Sustaining Members, and second, to ask the present Sustaining Members to increase the amount of their donations.