InReach Ping PCT
March 27, 2020
Near Little Tahquitz Valley
Written by Beth Jeffery.
On March 26, 2020 at about 11:30 pm our team received an SOS call from a personal locator device from a hiker on the Pacific Crest Trail. The dispatch attempted to communicate with the hiker, but there was no further response.
The following morning at 7 am, Team 1, Blake and Beth, met at Base, which was being ran by Glenn. Team 1 headed up the Devils Slide trail in fresh snow and then south along the PCT. Team 2, which was Eric, Derek, and Jesse were in route behind for back up.

Image by Beth Jeffery
About 3.5 miles in, Team 1 called out for the subject and received a response from 2 PCT hikers. One of the hikers was escorting a female hiker who slipped and fell on the icy trail. After ensuring the female hiker was okay and notifying Team 2 to look for the female hiker, Team 1 continued their search.

Image by Beth Jeffery
About 4.5 miles in, Team 1 met with the subject and another PCT hiker that was escorting him. Team 1 evaluated the subject, provided him water, and the team escorted him the 4.5 miles back through the snow to the Humber Park trailhead. From there the hiker was driven back to base to meet up with the Deputy and the subject’s brother.

Image by Beth Jeffery
According to the subject he was hiking in snow and ice without traction when he slipped and fell. He scraped up his knuckles, tore his pants, and lost his tent poles. He slept under a rock in the snowstorm that night.
RMRU Members Involved: Derek Donovan, Blake Douglas, Glenn Henderson, Eric Holden, Beth Jeffery, and Jesse Rodriguez.