Search Joshua Tree

March 1,2019
Joshua Tree National Park

Written by Editor

Park rangers were notified of Kenney’s disappearance on Thursday when concerned friends found his vehicle in the parking lot of the Pine City backcountry board. Rangers began an immediate search, and eventually found Kenney’s campsite and personal items. Despite finding his campsite and belongings Thursday evening, rangers did not immediately locate the missing man.

Searchers from the Joshua Tree Search and Rescue, Riverside and San Bernardino County Sheriff’s deputies, and RMRU, resumed the search the next morning Friday March 1. Riverside could only send a few members as most of RMRU was head North to Lake Tahoe for a Snow and Ice Recertification on Saturday March 2. Teams searched out in all directions from his campsite and discovered the missing man’s body before noon. RMRU members came back to base and headed home.

RMRU Members Involved: Blake Douglas, James Echardt, Vinay Rao, Alex Rilloraza and Daniel Tran.