Mutual Aid Search for Missing Hiker

October 30 and November 2-3 and 9-10, 2024
Chantry Flat, Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County

Written by: Alex Cochran, Eric Holden, Vinay Rao, and Richard Yocum

It is several times each year that RMRU is requested by California OES (Office of Emergency Services) to provide mutual aid assistance to another county, typically for a backcountry search that has been going on for a couple days or more. This time it was to assist Sierra Madre SAR in LA County for a missing hiker whose vehicle had been parked at the Chantry Flat Rec Area in the Angeles National Forest for about two weeks. The hiker is an extraordinarily fit 80-year-old man who lives alone and keeps to him-self and thus was not missed by his family or friends for a couple weeks. He was known to hike frequently in that area and knows the area very well, but little information was known that might help focus the search strategy. RMRU was able to send its members to assist over five of the days of this ongoing search.

Decending a Ridge

On Oct. 30, Vinay, Matt, and Alex responded for the first day that RMRU was requested. The three of us were assigned to search the San Olene drainage to the Robert’s Camp fire road. We were inserted by vehicle and walked a short way along a fire road before dropping down into the drainage. Since the area was recently burned by the Bobcat Fire (2020) the sides of the fire road had limited vegetation. The thought was that if our subject had walked to the edge of the road, it was possible he may have slipped and fallen due to the loose dirt. As we searched the drainage the three of us spaced ourselves so that one was at the bottom with the others spaced about 10 yards to either side. We noted quite a bit of animal activity (prints, bones) but no sign of human activity other than cups, mylar balloons, etc. that were obviously old. Our second assignment was to search a portion of the Chantry Flat Truck Trail, again paying particular attention over the edges of the road and looking for any signs of animal activity. There were several structures along the ridgeline that were inspected carefully. Unfortunately, we saw no signs of the subject.

Canyon to be Searched

On Nov. 2, Alex and Andy responded and were assigned a search area near Sturtevant Camp. We hiked in on the Gabrielino Trail with several members of China Lake SAR, who went up to Mt. Wilson summit, and attempted to make our way toward Newcomb Saddle. Our progress was hampered by a trail that was essentially abandoned approximately a quarter of a mile past the Sturtevant Camp trail intersection. With a lack of radio communications in that area, coupled with no evidence of recent human travel, we elected to retrace our steps and continue to our next search area, which encom-passed several drainages above the check dams that sit on the Santa Anita Wash above Sturtevant Camp. Again, we found no evidence of the subject in this area, and the bushwacking was a challenge. Having completed this assignment, we hiked back out to Chantry Flat. The day’s hike was approxi-mately 14 miles over 8 hours. Following this search, we responded to Palm Springs for Mission 2024-039.

RMRM Searchers

On Nov. 3, Richard was the only RMRU member responding. I was paired with a member of Santa Clarita Valley SAR, as one of about 12 field teams that day. The Command was happy to finally have air support for this operational period and the plan was to insert all teams by helicopter at high elevation so that the teams could cover their search areas in a downhill direction. However, after all teams were briefed and assembled at the Chantry Flat LZ, we were informed that windy conditions once again pre-vented safe helicopter operations. My team was re-assigned to search up the Mt. Wilson Trail along Little Santa Anita Canyon to Manzanita Ridge, below Mt. Wilson, and then down the Upper Winter Creek Trail. Lugging a backpack laden with a couple hundred feet of rope and tech gear to ascend/descend the rope, along with the standard field items to be self-sufficient in the field for at least couple days, over about a dozen miles and 3,800’ elevation change made for a long day and we ar-rived back at Chantry Flat well after dark.

Area to be Searched

On Nov. 9, three RMRU teams of 3 each were driven to the top of Mt. Wilson to hike down to their as-signed search areas, beginning near the top of Mt. Zion. Richard’s team with Solan and Kyleen searched a heavily vegetated ridgeline and then a steep canyon, using a series 5 rappels up to 200 feet each.
Matt’s team with Kalie and Michael searched a steep and heavily vegetated ridgeline with steep slopes on each side of the ridge. A series of low angle rappels were used to aid the searchers in safety as they descended the ridge and avoid falling into the steep canyons below. Having found no evidence of the subject in our search area, our team returned to the command post.
After transporting the three teams to Mt. Wilson, Alex’s team with Geoff and Ryan were inserted via ATV by an Altadena MRT member. They searched the vegetated ridgeline that crosses Hastings Peak and Jones Peak. The team began descending the ridgeline using a hand line during the steepest initial section. They descended several thousand feet in elevation before reaching the end of their search area, and then returned to the command post.

On Repell in a Lose Gully

Eric and Benjamin were given a search area that started near the same place as the rest of the teams but descended a steep drainage from the top of Mt. Zion down to Santa Anita Canyon. Their search area included 5 rappels ranging from 10’ to 95’ with lots of poison oak. No signs of the subject were found.

Log Crossing

On Nov. 10, Alex’s team with Geoff and a member of Altadena MRT searched the Santa Anita Wash. They used avalanche probes to search deeper pools of water when the bottom was not visible. They traveled up the wash, climbing over many downed trees and other debris to access the water. They were not able to pass a waterfall so backtracked until they were able to reach a trail to go around that section and dropped in again further up. Communication with command was limited throughout the area. Having found no evidence of the subject, they returned to the command post.

Going down a wash out

As of 11/15/2024, the missing hiker has not been found.

RMRU Members Involved: (Alex Cochran, Kalie Fletcher, Matt Frenken, Kyleen Gonzalez, Andy Hayt, Eric Holden, Geoffrey Marshall, Benjamin Mata, Vinay Rao, Ryan Roleson, Michael Solares, Solan Watts, and Richard Yocum)

Other Agencies Involved: (Sierra Madre SAR, Altadena MRT, Bear Valley SAR, China Lake MRG, LASD Aero Bureau, LASD EOB, LASD K9, Montrose SAR, Orange County SAR, RIM SAR, San Bernardino Mountain SAR, San Dimas MRT, Ventura County East Valley SAR, Ventura County SAR, Santa Clarita Valley SAR, San Bernardino Cave and Tech Rescue Team, California Rescue Dog Association, Kern Valley SAR, and Malibu SAR)