Nixson Fire Search

August 3, 2024
Aguanga, California

Written by: Colby Coryell

On Thursday August 1 RMRU and Riverside County Search Dogs (RCSD) were requested by the River-side Sheriff’s Office to search some properties in the northern burn area of the Nixon Fire on August 3.

Matt, Coby, Eric, and I got to the Sheriff Station by 5:00am to take all RMRU vehicles to the Command Post (CP). We chose to do this because of the environment the fire left behind and to not damage any personal vehicles.

Briefing at Command Post

When we got to the CP at 5:45am we got our Personal protective equipment (PPE) and a briefing from the Sheriff’s Office and started to head out as 3 teams. Team 1 consisting of (Eric, Richard, and Colby), Team 2 consisting of (Matt, Andy, and David), and finally Team 3 consisting of (Ray and Coby).

Burned home and truck
Burned car stuck in sandy wash

Team 1 had properties on the east end of the search, Team 2 had the southern properties, and Team 3 had the western properties. About half the properties we searched had burned, thankfully no victims were found. RCSD and RMRU found pets at multiple properties, so we gave them fresh water and ei-ther people next door or on the way off the property we contacted the owners who have been check-ing up on their pets.

Giving a Dog water in the shade

Other than that, we turned off a gas line and put out a spot fire, then to end the day we had to get our team van unstuck out of the sandy road.

RMRU Members Involved: (David Bever, Coby Brown, Colby Coryell, Matt Frenken, Andy Hayt, Eric Holden, Ray Weden, and Richard Yocum)