Search Missing Person

June 18, 2017
San Diego County

Written by Raymond Weden

The evening before Father’s Day, June 17th, RMRU was called to assist with a search for an 85-year-old man. Mr. Taiheng Sun had been reported missing on Thursday June 15. The local San Diego SAR team had been searching hard but requested as many hands for a big push on Sunday and were asked to report at 7am that morning.

Teams from all over California descended on San Diego to assist in this search. Over 50 searchers combed the hills outside of Mr. Sun's residential community he had been known to hike on a regular basis. The temperature was about 100 degrees with no shade, but we are used to those conditions (though they are not ideal). The interesting circumstance here was the area we were searching was an old bomb range. There were signs of exploded ordnance everywhere. Unfortunately, there were no signs of our missing subject. After a long hot day of searching no teams reported seeing any positive sign of Mr. Sun.

As of writing this Mr. Sun has not been found. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Taiheng and we still hold out hope for a positive outcome.

RMRU Members Involved: Cameron Dickenson, Eric Holden, Tyler Shumway, and Raymond Weden.