Recovery in Desert

June 8, 2024
Palm Springs Area

Written by: Robert Newton

On June 8th at 1600 RMRU was activated to perform a low angle rope recovery of a deceased hiker in Palm Canyon on the Agua Caliente Reservation. With temperatures over 110 degrees, two hikers were in extreme heat distress and one collapsed, ultimately passing away on the hillside several hundred feet above the trail in some rocky terrain.

Donny and I were in Idyllwild already, so shortly after collecting some technical gear, we were in route and arrived on scene at 1745. With DSAR, Fire and Park Services already in the field, Donny and I headed to the subject planning to evaluate the terrain and decide what gear would be needed to perform the recovery. We would then relay to base what equipment was necessary to bring into the field once the rest of the team arrived.

Upon arrival, we discovered the slope was navigable enough to perform a carry out since we would have more than 10 people in the field and enough daylight to reach the main trail at the base of the hill. Once RMRU base was established, we radioed for the litter and wheel and determined our exit route while we waited for the gear.

When the litter arrived, we packaged our subject and began to navigate the rocky terrain. We had previously placed brightly colored trekking poles to guide us on the easiest route to the trail below. We reached the trail quickly, executing fast swaps when those carrying the litter tired and using a conveyer belt method to maneuver the few drop-offs we encountered.

Once on the main trail, the wheel was attached to the litter, and we finished transporting our subject to the awaiting deputies. The mission was completed at 2030, in less than three hours and without incident thanks to our incredible interagency teamwork. RMRU thanks DSAR, Parks and Fire for their assistance in the recovery and sends our deepest condolences to the victim’s family.

RMRU members Involved: (Colby Coryell, Kaile Fletcher, Michael Goerge, Donny Goetz, Andy Hayt, Rob Newton, and Michael Solares)