Anza Search
November 21-23, 2019 Anza California 2019-061 |
Written by James Eckhardt
On the evening of November 21, we were called out to search for a missing elderly male with diabetes in Anza. The subject had come to Anza from Mexico to visit relatives but had left abruptly with the stated intention of returning to Mexico. Eric ran base while dog teams, RSO deputies, Star-9, the drone team and Blake, Cameron, Josh, Mike and I cut for sign around the subject’s point last scene near his relatives’ residence. We concluded our evening with a grid search of an area where the dogs had hit on in an earlier search.

Blake and Camerion making plans at base.
Image by Unknown.
With no further clues found, we prepared to expand our search the next morning with more county resources. DSAR members, Star-9, ROVE, dog teams, the drone team, many deputies and RMRU members Blake and Cameron responded. We searched all day with no success and were met with some difficulty searching large tracts of land due to residential access issues. Most to all clues found throughout the day could not be attributed to our subject, so we prepared to expand our search areas on the third day of the search.

Tony Searching a Drainage.
Image by Unknown.
On the 23rd, we continued the search with many of the same county resources, again with no sight of the subject. When all but one team had finished the day’s assignments, the subject was found alive and well very close to the point last seen. We are grateful for the help of all involved including DSAR, SERT, ROVE, the drone teams, Mounted Posse, Search Dogs, Star-9 and the many deputies.

James at Base Sunset.
Image by Unknown.
RMRU Members Involved: Cameron Dickinson, Douglas Blake, James Eckhardt, Michael George, Josh Gould, Eric Holden, Tony Hughes, Shani Pynn, Tyler Shumway, and Raymond Weden.